The Beginning Actor: Business Foundations
Posted on December 28, 2023
Dates: Sat, Jan 27, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM MST
Capacity: 15
Cost: $100
Offered as an a-la carte course offering from Benjy Dobrin Acting Studios, The Business of Acting for the Beginning Actor series is designed to help actors who are just starting to build their careers define and begin to manage their business.
The Beginning Actor: Business Foundations, will be part lecture and part workshop based. Actors will get a quick materials review, and will be able to revise their resume’s to fit industry standards in class. We will talk about headshots, and how we go about finding our “essence” as actors. We’ll talk about how to make decisions on what work to take as a new actor, and what work to absolutely avoid. We’ll talk about laying the groundwork for successful relationship with representation both here and outside of Denver. And finally, we’ll talk about how we drive current decisions to fit future goals involving other markets and SAG-AFTRA.
About Walter Anaruk

Walter has been working as a professional actor in film and television for over a decade. His credits include supporting appearances in theatrical and major streaming releases such as Silk Road, and Amateur. He has also appeared in several television movies such as The Engagement Plot, and Just Jake. Walter has also co-starred in multiple television shows such as AMC's Better Call Saul, Fox's The Cleaning Lady, and Showtime's The Curse.
Walter has been an acting student at Benjy Dobrin Studios for over ten years. His love of the acting community, and desire to see his peers benefit from the knowledge passed on to him by his teachers, and his own experience led him to create this class series: The Business of Acting for the Beginning Actor.